Natalie: ARC helped me to believe in my own strength.

Every woman deserves the opportunity to make strides towards her personal goals. ARC Participant, Natalie, shares how ARC has helped her make strides towards believing in her own strength. Natalie is a mother of twins and an educational assistant who works with special needs and behavioral students. She always wanted to run a half marathon but stopped many times. She thought “I was never a real runner. I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t fast enough, strong enough I didn’t have the runner's body.” ARC helped build Natalie’s confidence in her running and her strength (both mentally and physically). Natalie shared: “ I feel so much stronger, my mindset has done a complete 360. I have learned to move my body so it can be a stronger runner, injury free. I have learned to love what my body does how strong it is. I don’t need to have the runner's body to run. Everybody is different and unique and all our bodies are strong and beautiful.”