Active|Resolute|Connected: Our Why

Running is so much more than just pounding the pavement.  Reasearch has shown that there are countless benefits to running, both for our body and mind.  Running improves our overall health and can even boost our resiliciency and stress-management skills, which means that running can help combat depression and anxiety.  If you have never considered running, now is the time.  It is more crucial than ever to bring women to the running community, which is the reason behind ARC.

The goal of ARC is to empower women by breaking barriers and bringing access to running through expanded tools to help ensure success.  Of course there are many coaches and running groups out there who are also there to get you started and we want to work together with them to help you succeed! We believe our comprehensive program will help you not only get started, but sustain your comittment because of the tools we provide.  So ARC can supplement any other program, group, or coaching you are involved with, or can stand alont to bring you into running as a beginner or help you achieve and surpass new goals.

The four components of ARC which will help you to be successful with running (and as many of our participants say also find JOY in running) include:

1- Online Running Coaching- You will be matched with a coach to meet your individual needs and goals who will set up a daily training program.  Training programs are designed to ensure weekly progress and by the end of our eight week program, you will be very proud of all that you accomplished. It is amazing how effective individualized, organized workouts can be at improving your fitness!

2- Virtual Physical Therapy- You will start with an intake by a Doctor of Physical Therapy to identify any problem spots or areas of vulerability.  This is such a unique component and we believe that if all women had access to early physical therapy, so many more would stick with their training plans.  Your physical therapist will give you strengthening and stretching exercises to meet your individual needs and may even help by making shoe recommendations, discussing the surface on which you run, and recommending subtle changes in your daily activities as needed.  This can be crucial to prevent injuries and pain, which often becomes a barrier when you are a new runner or when you start a new training program.  You will also have access to physical therapy ongoing throughout your eight weeks, should any pain symptoms arise.  This will allow you to address pain immediately and will help ensure that you are able to keep running!

3- Athlete Mentorship- We have built a large network across the United States (and the world) of strong, gritty female athletes.  Athletes range from Oympians to recreational runners.  You will be paired with a mentor based on your unique profile.  Your Athlete Mentor will encourage and support you throughout your journey.

4- Mindfulness Coaching- You will be given mindfulness challenges to stregthen your mindset and help you make strides towards your goals.  Mindfullness training will focus on improving your ability to be purposeful with your training and your day-to-day and may even help you be more fully present and fullfilled in your life.

We want to see a world where every woman (regardless of shape, size, color, or ability) who might consider running is able to find her runner within and join our community.  We are confident that bringing more women to running will improve their lives in so many ways.

In order to ensure access and break barriers, we provide these service free of charge.   Please head over to apply!

We are calling you to the pavement and to a life that exceeds your expectations. 

She ran and everything changed....

Yours in health, wellness and dream chasing,

The ARC Team


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