Making strides.

Every woman (regardless of shape, size, color, and ability) has a place in the running community because running enhances not only physical health but improves vital aspects of mental health, enabling women to be more resilient, confident, and successful. 

This cohort of participants is completing week three of their eight-week journey with ARC, benefiting from our programming which is unique in this space, as it includes four key components backed by research (online running coaching, virtual physical therapy, athlete mentorship and mindfulness training; nutrition guidance is also provided).

Our participants are making great strides both physically and mentally through the program.  We are so proud of their accomplishments! Below you will find our feature stories as we finish out week 3.

Stephanie, South Holland, IL

Stephanie's story and goals

"My running motivation and inspiration was really about me getting healthy and being able to live to support my three adopted children. I’m a African American woman who was overweight and obese, so I began walking/running."

Stephanie began running with BGR and eventually applied for the ARC program with this goal in mind: "I want to be the best version of myself: healthy, strong and resilient." She also set out to improve and increase her overall running and work on weight management and strength training.

Meaningful Quotes Shared by Stephanie in reference to ARC

·       "It doesn't matter if things aren't perfect.  My runs are my time to feel alive, strong and free." 

·       "Running doesn't define me, but I feel like every mile I run adds to the person I want to be." 

Updates from Stephanie on her progress thus far

“I felt last week went very well, I followed the training as close as possible with regards to running.  I certainly have been working on my nutritional goals to support my overall running and I worked in mindfulness and taking time to really focus on my goals and where I’m headed with this health journey.  I think more mindful I’m about what I’m trying I’ve become more conscious of what changes are really needed to remain on this healthy journey for myself as well as my children.”


Christina, San Diego, CA

Christina's story and goals

"I began running as an outlet. I am a US Navy Veteran and suffer from PTSD. After I got out the Navy it was really hard for me to cope with everyday life. I found myself just wanting to find a way to escape. My therapist suggested that I pick up a hobby, get out and get some exercise. So I did. At first I began walking just to get some fresh air and from there I began to see if I could pick up the pace to a nice jog. I found that running has been my place of escape. When I am out there I am running my own race and in my own world. It is my therapy. It is where I go to have time to myself, my sanctuary, and I love to run!

My goals for the ARC are to lgrow as a runner so that I can empower, encourage, and help women create a path to a healthier lifestyle: mind, body, and soul. I would want them to know they are capable of doing whatever they put their minds too, and it first starts with how we speak to ourselves on a daily basis, and by doing positive self talk throughout the day. I am also hoping to improve my stress management/weight management and increase my energy level."

Meaningful Quotes Shared by Christina in reference to ARC

·       "Running changed my life."

·       One mile at a time... "Wake up every morning with the that something wonderful is about to happen." 

Updates from Christina on her progress thus far

"Today was all about not only hitting my goals, but exceeding them. I am my own competition, and I only want to be better than I was yesterday. My strategy for today was to break up my runs in order to gain more miles. I did 3 miles in the am, and I did 5 miles in the p.m., and that evening run I felt stronger, and I could run longer. I hope this helps or inspire someone keep reaching towards their goals, and remember the only competition you ever have is you! You have to be better than the person you were the day before."

“Last week was clear week for, mentally, because I wrote down my intentions and I kept them set. I was practiced mindfulness in almost everything I did, and the outcomes were very successful and I felt accomplished. I not only did this with my fitness goals but every aspect of my daily routine. I was mindful to show up and be present,  and not just go through the motions. I read somewhere that we normally only show up for 10% of our every day life, and the other times we are there in body, but our minds are somewhere else i.e., what meal to prepare,  what to wear for work, and so on. I'm going to continue with using mindfulness and showing up for others and myself." 


We love to help our participants bloom as they experience the powerful physical and mental benefits of running.  Empowered women empower women.  It is our joy and our aim to continue building connections in the running community across race, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and perceived ability. Together we are stronger.  Every woman has a runner within.


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